Friday, 15 April 2022
a year ago
6 minutes read
- Laravel
- GraphQL
- Testing
- Backend
Laragraph - Articles for Everyone - Part 2
In the previous article, we started a new project called Laragraph and, at this point, we already have our main tools installed and configured plus our login system ready and tested š For this article, we will explore other things related to the main CRUD of the application for blog posts, shall we?

Tiago Sousa
Software Engineer
Laragraph is a really simple project that I created just to have the opportunity to explore a couple of tools that I was curious about and which I wanted to give it a try.
There are 3 certainties in life: death, taxes and the fact that you create a blog post application every time that you want to try a new framework/tool š
Based on one of these 3 certainties in life, in this part 2 of building Laragraph we will handle a lot of topics like Migrations, Seeds, Factories, Policies, Validation and of course, Testing. I will keep the same structure as the previous article, a step-by-step with code examples that you can copy and test for yourself.
Articles? But I want them all So I get them all
In order to have articles, we need to create a couple of resources before, like the Model, the Migration, the Factory and, since we are working with GraphQL, we will need a Mutation.
We can take leverage of artisan to create these resources like below:
sail artisan make:model Article -mf
By running this command, laravel will create the Article model, migration and factory for you! It's all about development experience š
The first thing that we will do is to update the schema for the articles table and define the foreign key for the user_id
. The migration file should be under the database/migrations/
Schema::create('articles', function (Blueprint $table) {$table->id();$table->string('slug')->unique();$table->string('title');$table->text('body');$table->timestamps();$table->foreignIdFor(User::class)->constrained()->cascadeOnDelete()->cascadeOnUpdate();});
After configuring the migration for the articles, let's add the fillable columns and define the Eloquent Relationship for the article model under our app/Models/Article.php
protected $fillable = ['title', 'body', 'slug'];public function user(): BelongsTo{return $this->belongsTo(User::class);}
We also need to define the inverse Eloquent Relationship for the User
. Since an article belongsTo
a user, a user hasMany
articles. So let's update our app/Models/User.php
public function articles(): HasMany{return $this->hasMany(Article::class);}
Now it's time to update our factory and our seeds so that every time that we want to refresh our database we have a clean environment and data.
In your ArticleFactory.php
update the definition()
method and add the following keys to the return statement:
public function definition(){return ['user_id' => User::factory(),'title' => $this->faker->sentence(),'slug' => $this->faker->slug(),'body' => $this->faker->paragraphs(6, true),];}
Finally, and before running our migrations and our seeds, the only missing step is to update our database seeder file.
When you are working on big projects, it makes sense to split the seeds by domain under the database/seeders
folder and call those seeds in the DatabaseSeeder.php
file but since this will be a small project we will
call the factories directly from the DatabaseSeeder
file like below:
public function run(){Article::factory(5)->for($user)->create();}
This piece of code above will ensure that every time that we run our seeds we will have access to a user with the email [email protected]
that has already written 5 articles š What a writer! š
After all those changes, let's ensure that everything is working! For that, let's run our migration command and include the seeds:
sail artisan migrate:refresh --seed
And BOOOM š£ 1 user and 5 articles in our database š„ Let's handle some GraphQL now!
To have a more clear overview of the project, I separated the schemas by domain. Since Lighthouse will only look for one schema file (which is schema.graphql
), let's create a articles.graphql
file at the same level as the schema.graphql
and include this new schema file in our main schema.
In the graphql/schema.graphql
add the following line and EOF:
#import articles.graphql
and now let's define our Article Type
, Mutation
and Query
at graphql/articles.graphql
type Article {"Unique primary key."id: ID!"Unique slug address."slug: String!"Non-unique title."title: String!"Non-unique body."body: String!"The author of the article"user: User! @belongsTo"When the article was created."created_at: DateTime!"When the article was last updated."updated_at: DateTime!}extend type Query {"List multiple articles."articles("Filters by title. Accepts SQL LIKE wildcards `%` and `_`." title: String @where(operator: "like")): [Article!]!@paginate(defaultCount: 10)}
Since we already have a user that has written 5 articles in the database and we added a query to return those articles, why not just give it a try?
Go to your GraphQL playground at http://localhost/graphql-playground
and write the following query:
{articles {data {slugtitlebodyuser {name}}paginatorInfo {currentPagefirstItemtotal}}}
Ouh! Wait, we can access the user data if we want? š± But how?
Well, when we created your Article Type
we added a field called user
with a @belongsTo
directive that will return a User
. This directive comes out of the box from Lighthouse and takes leverage from
the Eloquent Relationship that you previously defined for the Article Model! Now with the power of GraphQL, we can decide which data we want to fetch and if you want to paginate them, of course š
Let me write!
Now that we can fetch the articles and respective authors, we need to allow them to create some content but there are a couple of things that we need to ensure:
- a user needs to be authenticated to create a new article
- the slug for each blog post should be unique
As we already saw, GraphQL uses Queries
and Mutations
to perform operations and handle data flow. To allow our writers to share some content, we need to create a new Mutation: ArticleMutation
For that, let's use our lighthouse artisan command:
sail artisan lighthouse:mutation ArticleMutation
This command will create an ArticleMutation.php
under app/GraphQL/Mutations
so that we can add our logic. I like to see the Mutations as if they were controllers, so let's create a store
method to create a new article.
public function store($_, array $request){return request()->user()->articles()->create($request);}
Do you see something wrong with the method above? Yeah, it creates the article but it doesn't verify if the user is authenticated and doesn't validate the data that is being stored in the database. That's because Lighthouse handles these kinds of things with directives at the schema level.
To do so, let's add the CreateArticleInput
Input and createArticle
mutation to your graphql/articles.graphql
input CreateArticleInput @validator {slug: String!title: String!body: String!}extend type Mutation {createArticle(input: CreateArticleInput @spread): Article! @guard @field(resolver: "App\\GraphQL\\Mutations\\ArticleMutation@store")}
To solve the authentication problem we just need to add the @guard
directive (which once again comes out of the box with Lighthouse) in the mutation. This directive will ensure that the user that is making the request is authenticated.
This solves authentication but it doesn't solve validation!
Could you imagine if we were able to use all the validation rules that laravel gives us out of the box with a GraphQL API? It would be pretty nice, right?
Well, it's possible! š You can use the rules directly in the schema
but I prefer to have the validation logic separated from the schema with a custom class to handle the validation rules and logic.
That's exactly what the @validator
directive does! With this directive, Lighthouse will search for a CreateArticleInputValidator under app/GraphQL/Validators
Since we don't have one, let's check if we can create a validation class with Lighthouse artisan command... and guess what? yeah, we have a command for that š
sail artisan lighthouse:validator CreateArticleInputValidator
Within this file, you can use every single validation rule that laravel offers out of the box! Let's add a couple of rules to validate our create article mutation!
public function rules(): array{return ['slug' => ['required', Rule::unique('articles', 'slug')],'title' => ['required'],'body' => ['required'],];}
At this point, our users should be able to publish their articles! Let's try to create one ourselves? Let's use our GraphQL playground and run the following mutation:
mutation {createArticle(input: { slug: "laragraph-articles-for-everyone", title: "title", body: "My awesome content š" }) {titleslug}}
Don't forget to add the
header with theBearer
token that you retrieve from the login mutation due to the@guard
If we did everything right, we should have a new record in our database for the articles table! š¤
OOPS, I made a typo in the title!
It's nice to allow users to write their articles but what if they need to make changes? We need to support that feature! The process should be very similar to the create article process:
- ensure authentication
- ensure that the user that is editing the article it's the owner
- validate the request
To allow users to edit their articles, let's start by updating our GraphQL schema for the articles and add the Input
and the Mutation
input UpdateArticleInput @validator {id: ID!slug: Stringtitle: Stringbody: String}extend type Mutation {...updateArticle(input: UpdateArticleInput @spread): Article!@guard@can(ability: "update", model: "App\\Models\\Article", find: "id")@field(resolver: "App\\GraphQL\\Mutations\\ArticleMutation@update")}
Did you notice something different from the createArticle
mutation? Exactly, besides the @guard
and @field
directives, we also added a new one, the @can
This directive comes, again, out of the box with Lighthouse and abstracts the logic to use Laravel default built-in Policies.
Policies are a way to validate if the user that is performing the action has permission to fulfill the operation. In our case, we need to ensure that the user that is updating the article is the person that actually wrote it!
Let's use Laravel built-in artisan command to create the policy for our article model:
sail artisan make:policy ArticlePolicy --model=Article
This command will create a new file at app/Policies/ArticlePolicy.php
with a couple of methods pre-defined. For now, we just need to add logic to the update
method as below:
public function update(User $user, Article $article): bool{return $user->is($article->user);}
By adding the return statement above, we are ensuring what we need! How clean hein? š¤©
Before updating the typo that we did in the title of the article, we need to create our UpdateArticleInputValidator
class to validate the request!
sail artisan lighthouse:validator UpdateArticleInputValidator
and add some basic rules:
public function rules(): array{return ['id' => ['required'],'slug' => ['sometimes', Rule::unique('articles', 'slug')->ignore($this->arg('id'), 'id')],'title' => ['sometimes'],'body' => ['sometimes'],];}
Even with everything that we did so far, this feature is still not ready! Can you guess what's missing? Exactly, adding the logic for our mutation!
Under our app/GraphQL/Mutations/ArticleMutation.php
let's add the following for method:
public function update($_, array $request){$article = Article::findOrFail($request['id']);$article->update($request);return $article;}
At this point, we are able to go to our GraphQL playground and update the post that we created with the following mutation
mutation {updateArticle(input: { id: 6, title: "#2 - Laragraph - Articles for Everyone" }) {slugtitlebody}}
And our record was updated successfully š
Can I also delete it? Please š
Deleting an article it's the last operation that we will allow our users to do under the article model!
- For our schema, let's add the following mutation under
extend type Mutation {...deleteArticle(id: ID!): Article!@guard@can(ability: "delete", model: "App\\Models\\Article", find: "id")@field(resolver: "App\\GraphQL\\Mutations\\ArticleMutation@destroy")}
- Update our
public function delete(User $user, Article $article): bool{return $user->is($article->user);}
- And add the logic to our mutation at
public function destroy($_, array $args){$article = Article::findOrFail($args['id']);$article->delete();return $article;}
And with these 3 changes we have the delete feature ready š Let's run the mutation!
mutation {deleteArticle(id: 6) {title}}
Do I deserve some tests? š„ŗ
To be sure that our features are working as expected, let's write some pest tests as we did for the previous article, shall we? š Let's start by creating our test file with artisan:
sail artisan pest:test ArticleTest
- Can a user create an article? š¤
it('can create an article', function () {Sanctum::actingAs(User::factory()->create());$article = Article::factory()->make();$this->assertDatabaseCount('articles', 0);$this->graphQL(/** @lang GraphQL */'mutation ($slug: String!, $title: String!, $body: String!) {createArticle(input: { slug: $slug, title: $title, body: $body }) {titleslug}}',['slug' => $article->slug,'title' => $article->title,'body' => $article->body,])->assertJson(['data' => ['createArticle' => ['title' => $article->title,'slug' => $article->slug,],],]);$this->assertDatabaseHas('articles', ['title' => $article->title,]);});
- Can a user edit an article if he's not authenticated? š¤
it('cannot create an article if not authenticated', function () {$article = Article::factory()->make();$this->assertDatabaseCount('articles', 0);$this->graphQL(/** @lang GraphQL */'mutation ($slug: String!, $title: String!, $body: String!) {createArticle(input: { slug: $slug, title: $title, body: $body }) {titleslug}}',['slug' => $article->slug,'title' => $article->title,'body' => $article->body,])->assertGraphQLErrorMessage('Unauthenticated.');$this->assertDatabaseCount('articles', 0);});
- Can a user edit an article? š¤
it('can edit an article', function () {Sanctum::actingAs($user = User::factory()->create());$existentArticle = Article::factory()->for($user)->create();$newArticle = Article::factory()->make();$this->assertModelExists($existentArticle);$this->graphQL(/** @lang GraphQL */'mutation ($id: ID!, $title: String!) {updateArticle(input: { id: $id, title: $title }) {titleslug}}',['id' => $existentArticle->id,'title' => $newArticle->title,])->assertJson(['data' => ['updateArticle' => ['title' => $newArticle->title,'slug' => $existentArticle->slug,],],]);$this->assertDatabaseCount('articles', 1);$this->assertDatabaseHas('articles', ['title' => $newArticle->title,]);});
- Can a user edit an article that he didn't create? š¤
it('cannot edit an article that doesnt belong to the user', function () {Sanctum::actingAs(User::factory()->create());$existentArticle = Article::factory()->create();$newArticle = Article::factory()->make();$this->assertModelExists($existentArticle);$this->graphQL(/** @lang GraphQL */'mutation ($id: ID!, $title: String!) {updateArticle(input: { id: $id, title: $title }) {titleslug}}',['id' => $existentArticle->id,'title' => $newArticle->title,])->assertGraphQLErrorMessage('This action is unauthorized.');});
- Can a user delete an article? š¤
it('can delete an article', function () {Sanctum::actingAs($user = User::factory()->create());$article = Article::factory()->for($user)->create();$this->assertModelExists($article);$this->graphQL(/** @lang GraphQL */'mutation ($id: ID!) {deleteArticle(id: $id) {title}}',['id' => $article->id])->assertJson(['data' => ['deleteArticle' => ['title' => $article->title,],],]);$this->assertModelMissing($article);});
- Can a user delete an article that he didn't create? š¤
it('cannot delete an article that doesnt belong to the user', function () {Sanctum::actingAs(User::factory()->create());$article = Article::factory()->create();$this->assertModelExists($article);$this->graphQL(/** @lang GraphQL */'mutation ($id: ID!) {deleteArticle(id: $id) {title}}',['id' => $article->id])->assertGraphQLErrorMessage('This action is unauthorized.');$this->assertModelExists($article);});
After writing all these tests let's run them and see the output!
sail artisan test
This was the second part of a series that I will be writing while I explore these tools. I hope that this article can help someone in the future that is trying to develop a GraphQL API with Laravel!
For each article I will attach a PR so you can view all the changes! For this one, feel free to check it here.
I may release the third part regarding file uploads, what do you think?! Feel free to drop me some feedback on twitter! š
If you found this article interesting, feel free to share it with your colleagues or friends, because you know... Sharing is caring!
Also, if you enjoy working at a large scale in projects with global impact and if you enjoy a challenge, please reach out to us at xgeeks! We're always looking for talented people to join our team š

Written by Tiago Sousa
Hey there, my name is Tiago Sousa and I'm a Fullstack Engineer currently working at xgeeks. I'm a technology enthusiast and I try to explore new things to keep myself always updated. My motto is definitely "Sharing is caring" and that's exactly why you are currently reading this!